First Baptist Church Milltown

Rooted in Truth, Growing in Grace.

Loving People

Praying as a Church

A Savior Who Died For All

Sunday Services

Sunday School 9:45am

Expect biblical preaching and God honoring music through our classes for all ages.

Morning 11:00am

Expect biblical preaching and God honoring music. We provide a nursery and children’s church.

Afternoon 1:00pm

1st – 3rd Sundays of the month.

Evening Service 7:00pm

4th – 5th Sundays of the month.

Nursery care is provided for all services.

Wednesday Services

Wednesday Prayer 7:00 pm

Gather with fellow believers to spend time in prayer, encouraging one another, and opening our hearts before God. We also have children’s and teen activities during our Wednesday night service.

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Milltown, a place where God is exalted and people are cherished. Our church seeks to follow Christ’s command to love Him supremely, by living and giving the Gospel.


Our church is actively engaged with various ministries. We see the importance of meeting the spiritual needs of those in our church and in the community. With a large span of topics, our church provides Bible studies and counseling times with individuals and groups to keep spiritual growth a priority. We aim to be rooted in truth and growing in grace.

Prayer Groups

We believe prayer is a vital part of not only worshiping God, but also growing in our walk with Him. Because of this, we are intentional about spending time together in prayer.

Family Discipleship

First Baptist Church offers opportunities for individuals to build strong relationships and receive Biblical help in every phase of life. We focus on cultivating a love for God and a heart for serving people.


We passionately believe in the responsibility of local churches to send and support worldwide missionaries.


Just like we believe prayer is vital for the health of beleivers, we also beleive that “iron sharpens iron” and wholesome fellowship with other believers is key to a healthy Christian walk.

Message from Pastor Mielke

When you come and visit us here at Milltown Baptist Church, expect to feel welcome. We place our faith in the unmoving foundational Truth of God’s Word. The Bible tells us to preach the truth in love. That means you may not always feel comfortable when the Truth pricks your heart, but no matter what you are going through, we will love you and be there for you.


Q: What should I expect when I come to Milltown as a guest?

A: Expect to be greeted warmly, directions where to go, uplifting and reverential music, prayer, and a sermon from God’s Word given by one of our pastors.

Q: What do people wear to the Sunday Morning worship service?

A: We are thankful that you want to worship with us, and that is the main thing. While our standard platform dress is more dressed up, many in our church wear what would be considered “business casual”. Still others wear more casual clothing.

Q: Are there hearing aid devices available?

A: Yes! Just ask one of our ushers or sound board workers.

Q: Are my children welcome to the services?

A: Yes. We would love to be able to get to know your whole family. We have a nursery for every service. We have Sunday School classes for all ages. Children begin with their parents in the main auditorium during the Sunday morning service, then they are dismissed right before the sermon for “Junior Church” (up to 3rd grade), where our trained leaders give an age-appropriate lesson. On Wednesday night, we have ministries for children and teens. We strive to provide quality, safe, Christ-centered, and fun programs for all children and teens.

Q: Is Sunday School just for kids?

A: No. On Sundays at 9:45 a.m., we have our Adult Bible Study hour with small group study classes for individuals in all stages of life.

Q: What is the preaching/teaching like at Milltown?

A: Most of the Bible preaching/teaching is expository in nature. That is, the pulpit ministry of the church is generally going through a book of the Bible little by little and allowing the text of the Word of God to bring up the themes for life application. We will sometimes do specific Bible studies of certain topics, Bible characters, or themes found in the Word of God. In all the preaching/teaching we seek to make the Word of God applicable to life experiences we are facing right now. Please feel free to visit our sermon page for recent sermons.